Argentia RC - Baptism Index

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name index to Baptisms

year index to Baptisms

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 2-108-14 Carroll 1939 Alexander Joseph of Thomas Carroll & Mamie Maher 
 2-106-13 Carroll 1938 Alphonsus Thomas of John Carroll & Ellen Barry 
 1-169-06 Carroll 1872 Anastasia of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-013-14 Carroll 1900 Anastasia Mary of Patrick Carroll & Mary Byrne 
 2-102-20 Carroll 1936 Brendan Joseph of John Carroll & Agnes Rose 
 1-228-02 Carroll 1881 Bridget of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-076-21 Carroll 1921 Carmel of William Carroll & Ellen Norman 
 2-086-16 Carroll 1926 Cyril Joseph of William Carroll & Ellen Norman 
 1-145-03 Carroll 1865 Elizabeth of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-016-19 Carroll 1901 Elizabeth of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 2-057-12 Carroll 1914 Elizabeth of John Carroll & Elizabeth Northover 
 2-069-14 Carroll 1919 Elizabeth of William Carroll & Ellen Norman 
 2-004-23 Carroll 1897 Elizabeth Mary of Patrick Carroll & Mary Byrne 
 2-108-10 Carroll 1939 Florence Mary of John Carrol & Ellen Barry 
 2-104-07 Carroll 1937 Gordon William of Michael Carroll & Josie Barry 
 2-102-06 Carroll 1935 Gwendolyn Margaret of Michael Carroll & Josephine Barry 
 1-259-01 Carroll 1887 James of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-034-07 Carroll 1906 James of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 2-052-13 Carroll 1912 James of Stanislaus Carroll & May Ryan 
 2-071-15 Carroll 1920 Jeremiah of Stanislaus Carroll & Mary Ryan 
 0-047-08 Carroll 1835 John of ? Carroll & ? ? 
 1-194-05 Carroll 1876 John of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-018-15 Carroll 1901 John Joseph of Patrick Carroll & Mary Burn 
 2-038-23 Carroll 1908 John Joseph of William Carroll & Ellen Norman 
 2-007-25 Carroll 1898 John Thomas of Thomas Carroll & Ellen Barry 
 2-047-06 Carroll 1911 John Thomas of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 2-083-01 Carroll 1924 John Thomas of Stanislaus Carroll & Mary Ryan 
 1-213-02 Carroll 1879 Joseph of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-090-11 Carroll 1928 Joseph of Stanislaus Carroll & Mary Ryan 
 2-056-13 Carroll 1914 Julia Anne of William Carroll & Ellen Norman 
 2-104-18 Carroll 1937 Katherine of James Carroll & Mary Mulrooney 
 2-100-16 Carroll 1934 Kevin Teresa of Michael Carroll & Josephine Barry 
 2-111-01 Carroll 1941 Lawrence Joseph of Thomas Carroll & Mary Ellen Maher 
 1-015-11 Carroll 1837 Mary of Martin Carroll & Hana Rielley 
 1-178-13 Carroll 1874 Mary of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-022-23 Carroll 1903 Mary of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 2-057-11 Carroll 1914 Mary of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 2-093-09 Carroll 1929 Mary of John Carroll & Agnes Rose 
 2-059-13 Carroll 1915 Mary Bridget of Stanislaus Carroll & Mary Joseph Brien 
 2-064-14 Carroll 1917 Mary Elizabeth of Stanislaus Carroll & Mary Ryan 
 2-050-17 Carroll 1912 Mary Frances of William Carroll & Ellen Norman 
 2-027-18 Carroll 1904 Michael of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 2-047-10 Carroll 1911 Michael Joseph of William Carroll & Ellen Norman 
 1-162-12 Carroll 1870 Patrick of John Carroll & Eliza Dunphy 
 2-082-09 Carroll 1923 Patrick Aloysius of William Carroll & Helen Norman 
 2-098-16 Carroll 1933 Patrick Gerard of John Carroll & Agnes Rose 
 2-032-06 Carroll 1906 Patrick Joseph of Patrick Carroll & Mary Byrne 
 2-062-08 Carroll 1916 Paul Vincent of William Carroll & Ellen Norman 
 2-039-12 Carroll 1908 Raymond of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 2-066-02 Carroll 1917 Rita of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 1-273-06 Carroll 1889 Stanislaus of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 1-111-06 Carroll 1858 Thomas of Patrick Carroll & Mary A. Rillay 
 1-154-15 Carroll 1867 Thomas of John Carroll & Eliza Dunphy 
 2-053-02 Carroll 1912 Thomas of John Carroll & Elizabeth Reddy 
 1-240-09 Carroll 1884 Veronica of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-080-03 Carroll 1922 Veronica of Stanislaus Carroll & Mary Ryan 
 2-107-13 Carroll 1939 Vincent Joseph of Michael Carrol & Josephine Barry 
 0-022-38 Carroll 1878 William of John Carroll & Elizabeth Dunphy 
 2-097-10 Carroll 1932 William Adrian of John Carrol & Agnes Rose 
 2-107-14 Carroll 1939 William Joseph of John Carrol & Agnes Rose
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