Argentia RC - Baptism Index

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name index to Baptisms

year index to Baptisms

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 1-006-17 Doyle 1835 Bridget of James Doyle & Catharine Caroll 
 1-026-03 Doyle 1839 Elizabeth of James Doyl & Catharine Carrol 
 1-108-02 Doyle 1857 Ellan of John Doyle & Mary Tobin 
 1-039-02 Doyle 1841 James of James Doyle & Catharine Carrol 
 0-048-13 Doyle 1823 Margaret of ? Doyle & ? ? 
 1-029-01 Doyle 1839 Mary of John Doyle & Mary Tobin 
 1-024-01 Doyle 1838 William of James Doyle & Catharine K.ats? 
 1-039-01 Doyle 1841 William of James Doyle & Catharine Carrol
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