Argentia RC - Marriage record

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 <--  prior marriage record     [2-022-06]     next marriage record  --> 
 Married: 1905-11-22 
 Place: Chapel at Long Harbour 
 Groom: Patrick Pitman  Age: 24  Status: bachelor  Occupation: fisherman 
   Lives: Paradise Sound 
   Parents: Thomas Pitman & Elizabeth Rodgers 
     Father born: Petty Fort  Mother born: Burgeo 
   marriage index (click) 
 Bride: Sarah Murphy  Age: 21  Status: spinster  Occupation: domestic 
   Born: Long Harbour 
   Lives: Long Harbour 
   Parents: Michael Murphy & Elizabeth Hammond 
     Father born: Long Harbour  Mother born: Long Harbour 
   marriage index (click)  baptism 0-022-32 
 Witnesses: Thomas Pitman & Annie Murphy 
            James Rodgers & Bridget King 
 Clergy: John J. St.John
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