This record can be displayed from the Marriage Index, a Baptism record, or a Family
<-- prior marriage record Click the red arrow to display the prior marriage (as
recorded in the marriage register). Does not appear for pseudo-marriages.
[n-nnn-nn] The reference key of the record displayed.
next marriage record --> Click the red arrow to display the next marriage (as
recorded in the marriage register). Does not appear for pseudo-marriages.
Married: Date of marriage. When approximated, the year is preceded by "@".
Children: nn n-nnn-nn If present, indicates the number of children of the marriage.
Click the red item to go to the Family record for this marriage.
>> pseudo marriage << appears if the marriage is a "pseudo" item, that is, if
it is implied by a baptism or death record, but is not present in the marriage
What is a "pseudo" Marriage?
A pseudo-marriage is a record that is not found in the parish registers, but
is indicated by other sources and is needed to connect other records or to
provide more complete information. Pseudo-marriages are assigned to "Book 0"
of the parish records (there is no real "Book 0").
The most frequent cause of pseudo-marriages is that many marriages took place in
other churches, especially when the bride was from another parish. In addition,
any marriage before 1835 would not be in the records.
Marriages are used to build Family units, so pseudo-marriages are created where
needed, using the baptism year of the oldest child as the marriage year.
When a pseudo-marriage is created other than to connect a child to parents, a
remark is added to identify the origin of the information.
Pseudo-marriages do not include next/prior record pointers.
The reference key for a pseudo-marriage is not meaningful except that it makes
the record unique. These keys are assigned loosely sequentially as needed, and
are not in any chronological order.
Place: If present, the locale where the marriage took place.
Bride/Groom: / Age:/ Status: / Occupation: The name of the bride or groom,
and, if available, his/her age, marital status before the wedding (e.g. "bachelor",
"spinster", "widow" or "widower"), and occupation.
Born: If available, the town where the bride/groom was born. This was not
usually included until the mid 1890's. Where possible, missing information is
added from other sources, with the source noted in brackets "[ ]".
Lives: If available, the town where the bride/groom resides. This was not
usually included until the mid 1890's.
Parents: If available, the names of the parents of the bride/groom.
Father born: / Mother born: If available, the towns where the bride's/groom's
parents were born (according to the marriage record).
marriage index (click) Click the red item to go to where the bride's/
groom's name appears in the Marriage Index.
baptism n-nnn-nn If present, click the red item to display the bride's/
groom's Baptism record.
prior marriage / next marriage n-nnn-nn If present, click the red item(s)
to display the bride's/groom's prior or subsequent Marriage record.
Witnesses: The names of the marriage witnesses (up to four).
Clergy: The name of the clergyman who performed the marriage and wrote the entry
in the marriage register.
Remarks: If present, one line of marginal notations that appeared in the register
and/or additional comments. These notations were generally very small and cramped,
and, when present for a marriage, were mostly mentions of dispensations. Notations
regarding dispensations are not transcribed. Words enclosed in quotes are from
the registers; words not in quotes are added for clarity or to provide additional
information. An ellipsis ("...") indicates additional marginal notations that
were not transcribed (or were not readable). A single dash ("-") indicates an
unreadable middle initial is missing; two dashes ("--") indicates an unreadable
name in a place where it might not be obvious that it is missing.