Great-grandparents: The grandparents of your parents; the parents of
your grandparents.
Grandparents: The parents of your parents.
Grand-aunts/grand-uncles: The brothers and sisters of your
grandparents; the aunts and uncles of your parents.
Aunts/uncles: The brothers and sisters of your parents.
Nieces/nephews: The children of your brothers and sisters.
Grandnieces/grandnephews: The grandchildren of your brothers and
sisters; the children of your nieces and nephews.
First cousin: First cousins share a pair of grandparents The
children of brothers and sisters are first cousins The child of
your aunt or uncle is your first cousin The child of your first
cousin is your first cousin 'once removed' The child of your
grand-aunt or grand-uncle is also your first cousin 'once removed'.
Second cousin: Second cousins share a pair of great-grandparents.
The children of first cousins are second cousins The children of
your parents' first cousins are your second cousins Your children
and the children of your first cousins are second cousins.
Third cousin: Third cousins share two great-great-grandparents.
The children of second cousins are third cousins The children of
your parents' second cousins are your third cousins Your
grandchildren and the grandchildren of your first cousins are third
Fourth cousin: Fourth cousins share a pair great-great-great-
grandparents The children of third cousins are fourth cousins.
Your grandchildren and the grandchildren of your second cousins are
fourth cousins.
'Step' brother/sister/father/mother/son/daughter: Related by
marriage , but not by birth When a person with children remarries
the 'step' relationships become involved.
'Half' brother/sister: Related by birth through one parent only.
When a person with children remarries and has more children, the
'half' relationships become involved.
'Removed' cousins: Cousins who are descended by differing numbers
of generations from a common ancestor are cousins 'removed' For
example, the children of first cousins are second cousins, but a
person is a first cousin 'once removed' from the child of his
first cousin A first cousin 'once removed' is sometimes referred
to as a second cousin.
'Half' cousins: Cousins who share a single ancestor, rather than a
pair This is a result of ancestors being half-siblings due to a
remarriage A 'half' first cousin is sometimes called a second
cousin; a 'half' second cousin is sometimes called a third cousin.
The example below illustrates the kinship among brothers and sisters
(full, half and step), and among their children.
v---------------------v v---------------------v
v v v v
Patrick & Elizabeth Patrick & Anastasia Garrett & Anastasia
v v v
Mary Thomas---Rose James
v v v
Francis Michael Vincent
James is the son of Garrett and Anastasia Mary is the daughter of
Patrick and Elizabeth Patrick's wife Elizabeth died, as did
Anastasia's husband Garrett The widower Patrick and the widow
Anastasia married Thomas and Rose are children of Patrick and
Thomas and Rose are full brother and sister (same parents) Mary
is a half-sister to Thomas and Rose (same father)James is a half-
brother to Thomas and Rose (same mother) Mary is a step-sister to
James (no common parent).
Francis and Michael are first cousins 'half'; they have the same
grandfather Michael and Vincent are first cousins 'half'; they have
the same grandmother Francis and Vincent are not cousins; they have
no common grandparent.
The example below illustrates the kinship among selected people from
six generations of a family.
v v
Julia---------------Michael Mary
v v v
Anastasia----------Vincent Christina Norah
v v v v
Victoria-----Patricia Joseph Anita Claire
v v v v v
Katie Stephie Jeremy Shannon Daniel
Thomas is the father of James and Elizabeth Thomas has three
grandchildren - Julia, Michael and Mary, four great-grandchildren -
Vincent, Anastasia, Christina and Norah, five great-great-
grandchildren - Joseph, Victoria, Patricia, Anita and Claire, and
five great-great-great-grandchildren - Jeremy, Katie, Stephie,
Shannon and Daniel.
James is the father of Julia and Michael James has three grand-
children - Vincent, Anastasia and Christina, four great-grand-
children - Joseph, Victoria, Patricia and Anita, and four great-
great-grandchildren - Jeremy, Katie, Stephie and Shannon James is
an uncle of Mary; he is a grand-uncle of Norah; he is a great-grand-
uncle of Claire; and he is a great-great-grand-uncle of Daniel.
Elizabeth is the mother of Mary Elizabeth has one grandchild -
Norah, one great-grandchild - Claire, and one great-great-grandchild
- Daniel Elizabeth is an aunt of Julia and Michael; she is a
grand-aunt of Vincent, Anastasia and Christina; she is a great-
grand-aunt of Joseph, Victoria, Patricia and Anita; and she is a
great-great-grand-aunt of Jeremy, Katie, Stephie and Shannon.
Julia is the mother of Vincent and Anastasia Julia has three
grandchildren - Joseph, Victoria and Patricia, and three great-
grandchildren - Jeremy, Katie, and Stephie Julia is a niece of
Elizabeth; she is an aunt of Christina; she is a grand-aunt of Anita;
she is a great-grand-aunt of Shannon; and she is a first cousin to
Michael is the father of Christina Michael has one grandchild -
Anita, and one great-grandchild - Shannon Michael is a nephew of
Elizabeth; he is an uncle of Vincent and Anastasia; he is a grand-
uncle of Joseph, Victoria and Patricia; he is a great-grand-uncle of
Jeremy, Katie and Stephie; and he is a first cousin to Mary.
Mary is the mother of Norah Mary has one grandchild - Claire, and
one great-grandchild - Daniel Mary is a niece of James; and she is
a first cousin to Julia and Michael.
Anastasia is the mother of Victoria and Patricia Anastasia has
two grandchildren - Katie and Stephie Anastasia is a grandniece of
Elizabeth; she is a niece of Michael; she is a grand-aunt of Jeremy;
she is an aunt of Joseph; she is a second cousin to Norah; and she is
a first cousin to Christina.
Vincent is the father of Joseph Vincent has one grandchild -
Jeremy Vincent is a grandnephew of Elizabeth; he is a nephew of
Michael; he is a grand-uncle of Katie and Stephie; he is an uncle of
Victoria and Patricia; he is a second cousin to Norah; and he is a
first cousin to Christina.
Christina is the mother of Anita Christina has one grandchild -
Shannon Christina is a grandniece of Elizabeth; she is a niece of
Julia; she is a second cousin to Norah; and she is a first cousin to
Vincent and Anastasia.
Norah is the mother of Claire Norah has one grandchild - Daniel.
Norah is a grandniece of James; and she is a second cousin to
Vincent, Anastasia and Christina.
Victoria is the mother of Katie Victoria is a great-grandniece of
Elizabeth; she is a grandniece of Michael; she is a niece of Vincent;
she is an aunt of Stephie; she is a third cousin to Claire; she is a
second cousin to Anita; and she is a first cousin to Joseph.
Patricia is the mother of Stephie Patricia is a great-grandniece
of Elizabeth; she is a grandniece of Michael; she is a niece of
Vincent; she is an aunt of Katie; she is a third cousin to Claire;
she is a second cousin to Anita; and she is a first cousin to Joseph.
Joseph is the father of Jeremy Joseph is a great-grandnephew of
Elizabeth; he is a grandnephew of Michael; he is a nephew of
Anastasia; he is a third cousin to Claire; he is a second cousin to
Anita; and he is a first cousin to Victoria and Patricia.
Anita is the mother of Shannon Anita is a great-grandniece of
Elizabeth; she is a grandniece of Julia; she is a third cousin to
Claire; and she is a second cousin to Joseph, Victoria and Patricia.
Claire is the mother of Daniel Claire is a great-grandniece of
James She is a third cousin to Joseph, Victoria and Patricia.
Katie is a great-great-grandniece of Elizabeth; she is a great-
grandniece of Michael; she is a grandniece of Vincent; she is a first
cousin to Stephie; she is a second cousin to Jeremy; she is a third
cousin to Shannon; and she is a fourth cousin to Daniel.
Stephie is a great-great-grandniece of Elizabeth; she is a great-
grandniece of Michael; she is a grandniece of Vincent; she is a first
cousin to Katie; she is a second cousin to Jeremy; she is a third
cousin to Shannon; and she is a fourth cousin to Daniel.
Jeremy is a great-great-grandnephew of Elizabeth; he is a great-
grandnephew of Michael; he is a grandnephew of Anastasia; he is a
second cousin to Katie and Stephie; he is a third cousin to Shannon;
and he is a fourth cousin to Daniel.
Shannon is a great-great-grandniece of Elizabeth; she is a great-
grandniece of Julia; she is a third cousin to Jeremy, Katie and
Stephie; and she is a fourth cousin to Daniel.
Daniel is a great-great-grandnephew of James; and he is a fourth
cousin to Jeremy, Katie, Stephie and Shannon.
Anastasia and Vincent are first cousins once removed to Anita; they
are first cousins twice removed to Shannon; they are second cousins
once removed to Claire; and they are second cousins twice removed to
Christina is a first cousin once removed to Victoria, Patricia and
Joseph; she is a first cousin twice removed to Katie, Stephie and
Joseph; she is a second cousin once removed to Claire; and she is a
second cousin twice removed to Daniel.
Norah is a second cousin once removed to Victoria, Patricia, Joseph
and Anita; and she is a second cousin twice removed to Katie, Jeremy,
Stephie and Shannon.
- Details
- Hits: 1865