. *** Abbreviations for place names.
. The place of birth, if known, is noted for everyone. The list below
. contains the abbreviations used. The full placenames are also included
. at the bottom of each screen where an abbreviation appears.
. Locales not in Newfoundland indicated by '*'.
. Adm = Adam's Cove, Conception Bay
. Arg = Argentia, Placentia Bay
. Arn = Arnold's Cove, Placentia Bay / Arnold's Cove Station, Placentia Bay
. Aus = Australia (country)
. Avo = Avondale, Conception Bay
. Bab = Bay Bulls, Southern Shore
. Bar = Bar Haven, Placentia Bay
. Bay = Bay Roberts, Conception Bay
. BBa = Bonavista Bay area
. Bda = Bay d'Argent, Fortune Bay
. Bel = Bell Island, Conception Bay
. Ber = Bermuda (country)
. Bis = Bishop's Falls
. Bla = Blaketown, Trinity Bay
. Blv = Belvedere
. Bna = Bonavista, Bonavista Bay
. Bno = Bona, Placentia Bay
. Boa = Boat Harbour, Placentia Bay
. Bon = Bonne Bay area
. Bot = Botwood, Trinity Bay
. Brg = Burgeo, south coast
. Bri = Brigus South, Southern Shore
. Brn = Branch, St. Mary's Bay
. Bro = Broad Cove, Conception Bay
. Brr = Brown's Arm, Notre Dame Bay
. Brs = Brigus, Conception Bay
. Bru = Brule/Bruley, Placentia Bay
. Brx = Brigus Junction, Conception Bay
. Buc = Buchans
. Bur = Burin, Placentia Bay
. BVa = Bay de Verde area
. Cab = Cape Broyle, Southern Shore
. Cal = Calvert, Southern Shore
. Can = Canada (except maritime provinces]
. Cap = Cape Race, Southern Shore
. Car = Carbonear, Conception Bay
. Cay = Cayman Islands (country)
. CBa = Conception Bay area
. Cbc = Come-by-Chance, Placentia Bay
. Cha = Chapel Arm, Trinity Bay
. Chg = Change Islands, Bonavista Bay
. Chi = Chile (country)
. Cla = Clattice Harbour, Placentia Bay
. Clb = Clarkes Beach, Conception Bay
. Clr = Clarenville, Trinity Bay
. Coa = Coachman's Cove, White Bay
. Cod = Codroy Valley area, west coast
. Coe = Conche, White Bay
. Col = Colliers, Conception Bay
. Con = Conception Harbour, Conception Bay
. Cor = Corner Brook, Bay of Islands
. Cow = Cow Head, Northern Peninsula
. Cpl = Caplin Bay, Southern Shore
. Cpp = Cappahayden, Southern Shore
. Csg = Cape St. George, St. George's Bay
. Cur = Curling, Bay of Islands
. Dav = Davis Cove, Placentia Bay
. Dee = Deer Lake
. Dep = Deep Cove, Placentia Bay
. Dun = Dunville, Placentia Bay
. Dut = Duntara, Bonavista Bay
. Exp = Exploits, Notre Dame Bay
. Fai = Fair Haven, Placentia Bay
. FBa = Fortune Bay area
. Fer = Fermeuse, Southern Shore
. Fha = Fortune Harbour GB
. Fin = Finland (country)
. Fla = Flat Island, Placentia Bay
. Flb = Flat Bay, St. George's Bay
. Flc = Flower's Cove
. Flr = Flatrock
. Fnd = Ferndale, Placentia Bay
. Fra = France (country)
. Fog = Fogo
. For = Fortune, Fortune Bay
. Fox = Fox Harbour, Placentia Bay
. Fre = Freshwater, Placentia Bay
. Frn = Frenchman's Cove, Fortune Bay
. Fry = Ferryland, Southern Shore
. Fxt = Foxtrap, Conception Bay
. Gal = Gallows Harbour, Placentia Bay
. Gam = Gambo
. Gan = Gander
. Gar = Garden Cove
. Gas = Gaskiers, St. Mary's Bay
. Ger = Germany (country)
. GFW = Grand Falls - Windsor
. Gle = Glenwood
. Goo = Goose Bay, Labrador
. Gou = Goulds, St. John's area
. Gra = Grand Falls
. Grb = Grand Bank, Burin peninsula
. Grc = Grates Cove, Trinity Bay
. Gre = Great Britain (country)
. Grp = Greenspond, Bonavista Bay
. Gry = Grey Islands
. Guy = Guyana (country)
. Hab = Harbour Buffett, Placentia Bay
. Haf = Halfway Point, Bay of Islands
. Ham = Hampton, White Bay
. Han = Harbour Main, Conception Bay
. Hap = Happy Valley, Labrador
. Har = Harbour Grace, Conception Bay
. Hea = Heart's Content, Trinity Bay
. Her = Herring Neck
. Hil = Hillview, Trinity Bay
. Hln = Holland (country)
. Hol = Holyrood, Conception Bay
. Hum = Humber, Bay of Islands
. Ind = Indian Harbour, Placentia Bay
. Ini = Indian Islands
. Ire = Ireland (country)
. Irn = Iran (country)
. Isl = Isle Valen, Placentia Bay
. Ita = Italy (country)
. Jac = Jackson's Arm, White Bay
. Jam = Jamaica (country)
. Jer = Jerseyside, Placentia Bay
. Jpn = Japan (country)
. Kel = Kelligrews, Conception Bay
. KiC = King's Cove
. Kip = Kippens, St. George's Bay
. Lab = Labrador City, Labrador
. Lbo = Little Bona, Placentia Bay
. Lam = Lamaline, Burin peninsula
. Law = Lawn, Burin peninsula
. Lew = Lewisporte, Bay of Exploits
. Lih = Little Harbour, Placentia Bay
. LiR = Little River, Fox Island
. Lit = Little Paradise, Placentia Bay
. Lma = La Manche, Placentia Bay
. Lop = Long Pond, Conception Bay
. Lou = Lourdes, Port-au-Port
. Lpa = Little Paradise, Placentia Bay
. Lon = Long Harbour, Placentia Bay (incl Crawley's Island, Iona, the Rams,
. Mt. Arlington Hts, Sibley's Cove)
. Mar = Marystown, Placentia Bay
. Mer = Merasheen, Placentia Bay
. Mex = Mexico (country)
. Mor = Mortier, Placentia Bay
. Mrk = Markland, Avalon area
. Mrq = Marquise, Placentia Bay
. Nai = Nain, Labrador
. NBr = New Brunswick (province)
. Nfl = Newfoundland - other locales
. Nge = Nigeria (country)
. Nha = New Harbour, Trinity Bay
. Nob = Northern Bay, Conception Bay
. Noc = Norman's Cove, Trinity Bay
. Nor = North Harbour, Placentia Bay
. Nos = North Harbour, St. Mary's Bay
. Nov = Nova Scotia (province)
. Nrs = Norris Point, Bonne Bay
. Ode = Oderin, Placentia Bay
. Odo = O'Donnells
. Pab = Port-aux-Basques, southwest coast
. Pac = Parker's Cove, Placentia Bay
. Pam = Point-au-Mal, Port-au-Port
. Pan = Parson's Pond, Northern Peninsula
. Par = Paradise, Placentia Bay / Great Paradise, Placentia Bay
. Pas = Pasadena (including Midland)
. Pat = Patrick's Cove, Placentia Bay
. Pco = Portugal Cove South, St. Mary's Bay
. PEI = Prince Edward Island (province)
. Pet = Petit Forte, Placentia Bay
. Phi = Philippines (country)
. Pla = Placentia, Placentia Bay
. Plh = Point LaHaye, St. Mary's Bay
. Pmy = Point May, Burin Peninsula
. Poi = Point Verde, Placentia Bay
. Pom = Point Moll, Placentia Bay
. Por = Port Royal, Placentia Bay (including Mussel Harbour)
. Pou = Pouch Cove, northeast coast
. Ppt = Port-au-Port, Port-au-Port
. Pre = Presque, Placentia Bay
. Pso = Paradise Sound
. Pxb = Port-au-Bras, Placentia Bay
. Pxc = Port-aux-Choix, Northern Peninsula
. Rag = Ragged Island, Placentia Bay
. Red = Red Island, Placentia Bay
. Ren = Renews, Southern Shore
. Riv = Riverhead, St. Mary's Bay
. Roc = Rocky Harbour, Bonne Bay
. Rod = Roddickton, White Bay
. Ros = Rose-au-rue, Placentia Bay
. Rss = Russia (country)
. Rus = Rushoon, Placentia Bay
. SAf = South Africa (country)
. Sal = Salmonier, Avalon area
. Sas = St. Andrew's, Codroy Valley
. Sba = South Branch
. Sbb = St. Brendan's, Bonavista Bay
. Sbn = St. Bernard's, Fortune Bay
. Sbr = South Brook, St. George's Bay
. Sco = Scotland (country)
. Seb = Southeast Bight, Placentia Bay
. Shc = Ship Cove, St. George's Bay
. Shi = Ship Harbour, Placentia Bay
. Sib = Sibley Cove, Bonavista Bay
. Sjo = St. Joseph's, Placentia Bay
. SMa = St. Mary's Bay area
. Soe = Southeast Placentia, Placentia Bay
. Sor = Southern Harbour, Placentia Bay
. Sou = Sound Island, Placentia Bay
. Sri = South River, Conception Bay
. StA = St. Alban's, Bay D'Espoir
. StB = St. Bride's, Placentia Bay
. Stc = Stephenville Crossing, St. George's Bay
. Ste = Stephenville, St. George's Bay
. StG = St. George's, St. George's Bay
. StJ = St. John's (and vicinity)
. StK = St. Kyran's, Placentia Bay
. StL = St. Lawrence, Burin peninsula
. StM = St. Mary's, St. Mary's Bay
. StN = St. Anne's, Placentia Bay
. StP = St. Pierre (country)
. StQ = St. Jacques, Fortune Bay
. StY = St. Anthony, Northern Peninsula
. Tac = Tack's Beach, Placentia Bay
. TBa = Trinity Bay area
. Ter = Terrenceville, Fortune Bay
. Tho = Thornlea, Trinity Bay
. Tic = Tickle Cove, Bonavista Bay
. Tor = Torbay, Conception Bay
. Tos = Toslow, Placentia Bay
. Trc = Tors Cove, Southern Shore
. Tre = Trepassey, southeast coast
. Tri = Trinidad (country)
. Twi = Twillingate
. Uga = Uganda (country)
. Upg = Upper Gullies, Conception Bay
. Upp = Upper Island Cove, Conception Bay
. USA = United States (country)
. Vic = Victoria, Conception Bay
. Wab = Wabush, Labrador
. Wdy = Woody Point, Bonne Bay
. Whb = Whitbourne, Avalon area
. Whi = White Bay area
. Win = Windsor
. Wit = Witless Bay, Southern Shore